- Its about more the principles of movement less about “just doing” the movement
- Sets and reps don’t matter, its all about form. (Everyone says Pilates teachers can’t count, its really because they are waiting for good form, and them maybe they’ll make you do 10 good ones )
- Sucking in your tummy doesn’t give you a strong core. This closes down the trunk and doesn’t promote core stability through movement, which is what it REALLY means to have a strong core. Its about finding and maintaining space in the body in all dimensions under load. What does this mean?… come to class
- Pilates is slow not because its boring. Its slow because you are re patterning your body to move correctly. And actually in this fast paced world its nice to go slow and focus deeply on your moving mechanics for an hour from time to time.
- If you’re not feeling it it’s because you’re not doing it right.
- Breathing is essential but don’t get too caught up in the choreography of breath and movement. When you are new just move and maintain whatever a normal breath is for you. The pattern of breath will come over time as you move.

““No matter how different people are in their day to day living, there is one thing they all have in common. They want to look and feel better!”- Alex Coleman