Strained (Pulled) Hamstring: Muscle Fibers Of One Of The Hamstring Muscles (Back Of The Thigh) Tears
- Symptoms: pain when bending the knee, swelling, bruising, muscles spasms
- Causes: inadequate warming up, poor stretching, muscle weakness, poor footwear, recurrent injury to the area

Strained (Pulled) Quadriceps: Muscle Fibers Of One Of The Quadriceps Muscles (Front Of The Thigh) Tears
- Symptoms: pain when straightening the knee, swelling, bruising, muscles spasms
- Causes: inadequate warming up, poor stretching, muscle weakness, poor footwear, recurrent injury to the area

Hamstring Contusion: Muscles Of The Back Of The Thigh Crush Against The Femur
- Symptoms: pain at the site of injury on the back of the thigh, bruising, swelling, restricted movement
- Causes: direct blow to the back of the thigh

Quadriceps Contusion: Muscles Of The Front Of The Thigh Crush Against The Femur
- Symptoms: pain at the site of injury on the front of the thigh, bruising, swelling, restricted movement
- Causes: direct blow to the front of the thigh

IT Band Syndrome: The Thick Band Of Tissue That Runs Down The Side Of The Thigh Becomes Inflamed
- Symptoms: pain on the outer side of the knee that is worse when the foot hits the ground, stinging or pins and needles sensation
- Causes: overuse of the tissue, tight hip and side leg muscles, weak hip muscles, poor running form, improper shoes

Shin Splints: The Layer Of Tissue Covering The Shin Bone Becomes Inflamed
- Symptoms: dull, aching pain in the shin that is felt during or after activity, may become very painful if not treated
- Causes: running on hard or slopes surfaces, poorly fitted shoes, being overweight, flat feet, weak ankles, tight calves, tight Achilles tendon, activities that start and stop rapidly such as basketball

Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction: Tendon On The Back Of The Calf Becomes Inflamed, Sometimes Resulting In Flatfoo
- Symptoms: pain along the inside or outside of the ankle and foot that is worse with activity
- Causes: overuse, a sudden injury such as a fall

Compartment Syndrome: An Enclosed Bundle Of Muscle Bleeds Or Swell
- Symptoms: tingling or burning feeling in the skin when the calf is stretched, tight-feeling muscles, cramping during exercise, difficulty moving the foot, muscle bulging
- Causes: sudden blow to the calf, repetitive motion

Strained (Pulled) Calf: Muscle Fibers Of One Of The Calf Tea
- Symptoms: pain when bending pointing the foot, swelling, bruising, muscles spasms
- Causes: inadequate warming up, poor stretching, muscle weakness, poor footwear, recurrent injury to the area

Calf Contusions): Muscles Of The Calf Crush Against The Tibia And Fibula
- Symptoms: pain at the site of injury on the front of the calf, bruising, swelling, restricted movement
- Causes: direct blow to the calf