Strained (Pulled) Bicep Muscle Fibers Of The Bicep Muscle Tear

  • Symptoms: pain when bending the arm, swelling, bruising, muscles spasms
  • Causes: inadequate warming up, poor stretching, muscle weakness, recurrent injury to the area
Bicep pain

Strained (Pulled) Tricep: Muscle Fibers Of The Tricep Muscle Tear

  • Symptoms: pain when extending the arm, swelling, bruising, muscles spasms
  • Causes: inadequate warming up, poor stretching, muscle weakness, recurrent injury to the area
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Torn Bicep: The Tissue That Anchors The Biceps To The Elbow Tears

  • Symptoms: popping noise, bruising, swelling at the elbow, weakness when bending the elbow, a bulge near the shoulder accompanied by a gap at the front of the elbow
  • Causes: sudden straightening of the elbow, straining of the biceps such as lifting a heavy load
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Ulnar Nerve Entrapment: Ulnar Nerve In The Arm Is Compressed Or Irritated

  • Symptoms: aching feeling on the inside of the forearm, tingling and numbness in the forearm, weakening of grip, difficulty with finger coordination
  • Causes: keeping the elbow bent for a long time, repeatedly bending the elbow, fluid buildup, direct blow to the inside of the elbow
East London Physiotherapy

Compartment Syndrome: An Enclosed Bundle Of Muscle Bleeds Or Swells

  • Symptoms: tingling or burning feeling in the skin when the forearm is stretched, tight-feeling muscles, cramping during exercise, difficulty moving the arm, muscle bulging
  • Causes: sudden blow to the arm, repetitive motion
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