Massage in Stratford, East London

East London

Which massage treatment is right for me?

If you’re feeling stressed, tired, or achy, a good massage can do wonders for your mind and body. We offer a range of massage techniques to suit your individual needs, from relaxing holistic massage and myofascial release to deep tissue treatment, from soothing pregnancy massage to muscle relieving sports massage. Our therapists are highly skilled and experienced, ensuring you receive the best possible treatment.

Holistic & Myofascial
Massage in East London

Holistic massage is the perfect way to unwind and restore balance – Myofascial Release and relaxing massage techniques help you de-stress and feel more centred. Our practitioners use slow, focused and deeply grounding touch to ease muscle tension and promote relaxation.
East London Massage

Deep Tissue in
East London

Deep tissue techniques target the deep layers of muscle helping to release tension and relieve pain. If you’re looking for a massage that gets to the root of your muscle tension and those hard to reach places, deep tissue massage is the one for you.
202207 Fix Socials 1936 2 WEB

Sports Massage in East London

Sports massage specifically prepares muscles for physical activity and recovery. If you’re an athlete or living an active lifestyle, sports massage is ideal during intensive training to reduce fascial tension, increase blood flow and relieve stress on joints, tendons and muscles.
202207 Fix Socials 1915 2 WEB

Pregnancy Massage in
East London

Sports massage specifically prepares muscles for physical activity and recovery. If you’re an athlete or living an active lifestyle, sports massage is ideal during intensive training to reduce fascial tension, increase blood flow and relieve stress on joints, tendons and muscles.

What can massage therapy treat?

Massage is great at helping to manage a whole host of injuries as well as keeping the body in good functional order.
Some of the conditions Fix Massage therapists treat are: