Pelvic Alignment (Twisted Pelvis): Pelvis Is Rotated Or Tilted From Normal Alignment
- Symptoms:Â localized lower back pain and buttock on one side, especially when sitting or getting up from a seated position
- Causes:Â poor seated posture

Osteoarthritis: joint cartilage and the underlying bone begin to degrade
Symptoms: pain and stiffness in the hips, tenderness, grating or cracking feeling, limited motion, muscle weakness
Causes: aging, family history

Femoroacetabular impingement: bones of the hip joint don’t fit together perfectly and rub together
Symptoms: sharp pain when turning, twisting, or squatting, dull ache on the outside or inside of the hips
Causes: bone malformation during childhood of the hip socket or the femur head

Labral tear: the labrum, a ring of cartilage that protects the hip joint, tears slightly, exposing the underlying bone
Symptoms: locking, clicking, or catching feeling, stiffness, limited motion
Causes: trauma such as a car accident or sports injury, hip or femur abnormalities, repetitive motions

Hip dysplasia: hip joint doesn’t develop normally, causing the bones to rub together
Symptoms: dull aching pain, may radiate into lower back and legs, minor limp
Causes: pelvis is misaligned with the head of the femur, rotation or tilt of the pelvis

Bursitis: inflammation of the bursa, a fluid-filled sac that lies between bones to act as a cushion
Symptoms: pain around the hip joint that increases with movement or pressure, tenderness, swelling, loss of movement
Causes: repetitive movements like long distance running, hard blow to the hip, overuse of the area