FIX Acupuncturist shares insight on how Acupuncture can help strengthen the Pelvic floor!
The Pelvic Floor Muscles provide support to the organs that lie on it, notably the bowel, bladder and uterus. In Chinese Medicine, the Spleen produces a lifting effect on the organs; it is the force that makes sure that the internal organs are in their proper place. These muscles, through time, can prolapse. In Chinese Medicine, this correlates to weakened Spleen function. The Spleen can weaken through a variety of factors such as overwork, childbirth, emotional strain, diet. In the Chinese Medicine trade, we refer to this as spleen qi sinking. This can manifest as tiredness, weakness of the limbs, tendency to obesity, a heavy sensation in the abdomen, prolapses of organs such as stomach, uterus, anus or bladder. Those affected may suffer from incontinence – both urinary and faecal. Spleen Qi sinking can often lead to Kidney Qi sinking.
So how can Chinese Medicine help? There are certain acupuncture points that can be used to “Raise The Qi”. By using these points, they will help to tone and lift the prolapsed organs by toning the spleen, thus allowing it to perform its necessary function. A needle in the top of the head, known as Du20, when needled backwards, treats spleen qi sinking very effectively. I often combine this point with moxa which is a herb known as mugwort which helps to warm and strengthen the acupuncture points. If anyone coming into the East Village clinic smells a herby smell, that is the moxa that I use regularly. Placing moxa cones around the abdominal area is a very effective method in lifting those organs and the surrounding muscles.
“I recently had a client who had severe incontinence and said nothing had helped her and she had to wear a pad constantly. It was making her feel old (she was only 57), and caused her a severe amount of stress. She advised that pelvic floor exercises actually made the problem worse. I used Du20 with moxa and strengthening spleen and kidney points, and placed moxa cones on her abdomen. After 3 sessions, the incontinence reduced by 50%.
— Melanie Hackwell
So by toning the organs that sit on the pelvic floor and treating the area locally, Chinese Medicine can have a very profound effect.

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Alternatively, Acupuncturist Vera is available at our Stratford, East London clinic.