I’ve run plenty of marathons before, but building up to London 2015 I ran a lot of miles even for me, many of which were on the steeply banked indoor track at Lee Valley. After I’d run a training marathon 8weeks out, got knocked down by a car on a training run 3 weeks out, and struggled through the main event, it’s fair to say my body, and my hips particularly were not happy with me.
I decided to refocus my goals and throw myself into triathlon, but unsurprisingly this didn’t exactly lessen my symptoms, so I confessed all to Sam Burch at Fix, who took a good look over me and immediately set to work.
It was a revelation. Not only did Sam nail every issue I had, but worked through my training and spotted the reasons for all of them. Over the course of our sessions I had my body put back into shape; no mean feat as I was by this point fully into training for the World Age Group Championships. Sam and I discussed training and talked at length about form, and as a result not only has he totally fixed all the issues I presented with, but my form is better, making me less injury-prone and, with any luck, faster.
Before I turned up at FIX I ran a 10k and came away broken. Afterwards I competed over two distances at the World Triathlon Champs, ran Frankfurt marathon three weeks after that, and I’ve just finished a month of running 300+ miles, all totally pain free. – Ben Wickham
To Book in with Sam or any of the FIX team click here.