East Village
Fix East Village
Are You Seeking an Osteopath in Stratford E20? Or Massage Near the Olympic Park?
Fix is London’s most trusted team of experts under one roof specialising in Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Cranial Osteopathy, Paediatric Osteopathy, Paediatric Physiotherapy, Back pain, Pregnancy Massage, Sports Massage, Nutrition, Pilates and Yoga.
Only 5 minutes from Stratford Station and the Olympic Park we are in the perfect spot for East Village and E20 residents.
All services and appointments now take place under one roof at Fix East Village
Fix East Village
Stratford Osteopathy, Physiotherapy & Massage Clinic
11 Penny Brookes Street East Village, Stratford, London E20 1BN
Directions From East Village, E20
Penny Brookes Street runs along the south side of the East Village development, and is just north of Westfield shopping centre. We can be reached from Stratford Station and Westfield by walking up Montfichet Road then turning left. We are on the right, just past Mirabelle Gardens.
At the other end of Penny Brookes St you will find Stratford International Station and, beyond it, the Olympic Park.
** There are currently road works on many of the road surrounding the clinic and parking. If you’re driving to FIX East Village please plan some extra travel time into your journey **
1) Westfield Shopping Centre Car Park – ‘C’ is closest. 1 hour £2.70, 2 hours £5.40
2) Stratford International Station Car Park – Up to 20 mins free, up to 24 hours £6.
Please note that there is about a 5 – 7 minute walk from these car parks to the clinic.