Tennis Elbow: The Tendon On The Outside Of The Elbow Becomes Inflamed

  • Symptoms: pain on the outside of the forearm that is worse when bending, lifting, or twisting the forearm and when writing or gripping small objects
  • Causes: repetitive activity, direct blow to the elbow, starting a new activity that requires major use of the forearm such as tennis
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Golfer’s Elbow: The Tendon On The Inside Of The Elbow Becomes Inflamed

  • Symptoms: pain on the inside of the elbow that is worse when making a fist, extending the elbow, or flexing the wrist, numbness and tingling, weakness in the hands and wrists
  • Causes: repetitive motion, direct blow to the elbow, starting a new activity that requires major use of the forearm such as golf

Tennis Elbow: The Tendon On The Outside Of The Elbow Becomes Inflamed

  • Symptoms: pain on the outside of the forearm that is worse when bending, lifting, or twisting the forearm and when writing or gripping small objects
  • Causes: repetitive activity, direct blow to the elbow, starting a new activity that requires major use of the forearm such as tennis
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Osteoarthritis: Joint Cartilage And The Underlying Bone Begin To Degrade

  • Symptoms: pain and stiffness in the elbow, tenderness, grating or cracking feeling, limited motion
  • Causes: aging, family history
East London Physiotherapy

Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Lining Of The Joints Becomes Inflamed And Irritated

  • Symptoms: throbbing, aching pain that is worse in the morning and after periods of inactivity, stiffness in the joint, swelling, redness
  • Causes: family history, high estrogen levels, smoking
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Bursitis: Inflammation Of The Bursa, A Fluid-Filled Sac That Lies Between Bones To Act As A Cushion

  • Symptoms: pain around the elbow that increases with movement or pressure, tenderness, swelling, loss of movement
  • Causes: repetitive movements like swinging a racket, hard blow to the elbow, overuse of the elbow
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Hypermobility (Double-Jointed): ELBOW Joint Has An Unusually Large Range Of Motion

  • Symptoms: stiffness in the elbow, clicking noise when moving, recurrent injuries such as sprains
  • Causes: family history, overstretching of the joint such as in gymnastics or ballet
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Repetitive Strain Injury: General Term For Pain Caused By Overuse Of The Muscle

  • Symptoms: tenderness around the elbow, stiffness, tingling or numbness, cramping
  • Causes: repetitive motion, doing the same movement for a long period of time, poor posture, stress, cold temperatures
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