Low Back
Sciatica: Pressure From Surrounding Bones, Cartilage, Or Muscles Disrupts The Normal Function Of A Nerve Root
- Symptoms: numbness and tingling through back and legs, pain may be made worse by coughing, sneezing, or sitting for a long period of time, possible muscle weakness in legs
- Causes: anything that causes compression on the sciatic nerve such as slipped disc, spinal stenosis, spinal tumor, etc.

Ankylosing Spondylitis: Inflammation Of The Spine, A Form Of Arthritis
- Symptoms: back stiffness that improves with exercise but not with rest, pain and swelling in areas like the hips, knees, and ribs, extreme fatigue, long-developing symptoms
- Causes: inflammation of an area of the spine, can cause fusion of bones in that area

Spinal Stenosis: The Spinal Canal, Which Contains Nerve Roots And The Spinal Cord, Is Compressed By Bone, Cartilage, Or Muscles
- Symptoms:Â increased pain in the legs with walking, decreased pain with rest, pain comes and goes, tingling, numbness, or weakness in the lower back and legs
- Causes:Â aging, compression of nerve roots in the lower back

Spondylolisthesis: A Bone From The Lower Spine Slips Out Of Position
- Symptoms:Â lower back pain that is worse with standing and activity andalleviated when lying down, tight hamstrings, excessive curvature of the back
- Causes:Â age-related wear on the back, arthritis, fracture due to an injury or sudden weight on the spine

Muscle Spasm: Muscles In The Neck Or Back Suddenly Contract, Giving A Cramping Feeling
- Symptoms: sudden sharp pain in a muscle, usually resolves within a few minutes
- Causes: dehydration, lack of stretching, electrolyte imbalance