Jack Jackson


Jack is an experienced Osteopath who graduated with a Master’s degree from the British School of Osteopathy (Now known as UCO – University College of Osteopathy) qualifying in 2019 after 4 years of training. Jack is also ITEC Sports Massage, Western Acupuncture and Dry Needling Qualified. Jack is registered with the General Osteopathic Council.

During his student years he trained, qualified, and practiced as a Sports Massage therapist in London. He moved to the coast to escape London life during the Covid-19 pandemic, swimming in the cold sea and began working and practicing Osteopathy and Massage in two busy clinics in Dorset and Devon.

Jack specialises in providing injury diagnosis and pain management and focuses on using manual Osteopathy and Massage techniques tailored to the patient to encourage movement and facilitate rehabilitation. He likes to use a straightforward structural approach, using spinal and joint adjustment techniques, manipulation, soft tissue, and mobilisation methods to free tight, sore muscles and joints.

Jack is a keen believer that educating the patient will achieve the best outcomes with their recovery and he looks to provide education on their health and wellbeing and provides personalised at-home programmes to complement their in-person treatments to facilitate a full recovery.

In Jack’s spare time he likes to keep busy playing Rugby, Rock Climbing, Surfing, Wild Swimming, Hiking, or turning his hand to any Sporting activity, albeit often very badly!