Hi Steve, welcome to Team FIX!
A little on Steve…
Steve Hobbs is a fully qualified British Athletics running coach. As an experienced runner himself, Steve knows only too well the effect that injury can have and how important it is to be proactive to prevent injury and how patient you have to be in recovery. He is a keen member of the local running community, representing Victoria Park Harriers and Tower Hamlets AC in all disciplines, from road to cross country, to track.
As part of the Fix team, Steve is able to design training programmes to help you successfully return from injury and advise on technical drills to prevent re-occurrence. Steve is also able to provide technical guidance on how to reduce the risk of injury in the first place.

Hi Steve, first of what led you to running coaching?
I previously worked in the advertising industry (and still do a bit of work in that sector) and I reached a point where I decided it wasn’t all that I wanted to do with my life. I was already a keen and improving club runner and wanted to invest my time and effort in helping others enjoy and improve their running. For me, running is not just about the immediate outcome, the PBs and the race results. It’s about finding a way to release ourselves from an increasingly stressful life, and I believe that the character traits that people require to be successful in running (in whatever you way you define that) also drive success in other parts of life and I like helping others to benefit from that.
What’s your own proudest running achievement?
I am proud of running what I think is a fast marathon, but I am most proud of how I have developed as a runner and how I have been able to maintain consistency over time. Consistency is an under-rated value in life!

Top 3 running tips for those training for a half or marathon now!
1. Be patient – play the long game. Our bodies take time to adapt to training, rushing is just a shortcut to injury.
2. Be disciplined – work out what you’re prepared to compromise on and what you’re not. For example, how many times a week do you want to run? What changes in your life do you need to make to make that happen?
3. Be courageous – there are times when it will get tough and you will doubt yourself. That’s understandable but unhelpful. Be clear on why you’re trying to do what you’re doing, remind yourself of that when it gets tough and be brave.
What do you enjoy other than running and Fixing?
I enjoy all sport, I was formerly a keen footballer and cricketer, but mostly I now enjoy the sport of running after two small children in East London!
More on Steve’s running packages here. Book in a “one off” running assessment and plan with him here.