Helen, tell us a little about Fix, how long it’s been going and what motivates you and your team to get out of bed in the morning and come to Fix
The vision for Fix was to create a really top class, multidisciplinary team to help people achieve their very best physical potential. I was working out in Whistler with the Canadian Snowboard team and was blown away with the results that a team working together for one person for one goal could achieve.
We had top physios, massage therapists, trainers, nutritionists and coaches all working for the good of the client, sharing information and skills. We even had sports physicians and surgeons available on call when needed, and I thought to myself, “I want to build something like that for people back at home”. That, in a nutshell is what keeps us all motivated and passionate. Learning from each other and working together for the good of our clients.
Fix has just turned 3, just before Run Hackney and has been partnering this great event from the first year. We’re proud of coming from Hackney and love being a part of the event, we raise money each year for the race charities and volunteer our time on race day to help the runners before and after the race.
Post race recovery session!
If you could give three pieces of advice for those training for Run Hackney, what would they be?
- If you have something that’s niggling you or doesn’t feel quite right, don’t ignore it – it could come back to bite you as your mileage and/or speed starts to increase.
- Believe in yourself and your own capabilities. Your brain and body has an amazing capacity to learn, heal, adapt and achieve.
- Make the time to think positively, eat properly, stretch and train properly. To quote a slogan from Rondorff – Discipline Is Not A Dirty Word.
Any tips for first timers on race day?
- Obviously, to enjoy it. Remember it’s an amazing achievement just to get there and the actual race day is just the fun bit.
- Don’t start too quick, keep hydrated and check the weather beforehand to make sure you’ve got the right layers on.
- Come and get a free massage after the race or head to the cool down zone to do some stretching – you’ll be grateful you did it the day after!
A Fix Run Hackney entrant!
We’ve got lots of other info elsewhere on our website, on everything from when and how to stretch, to foam rolling technique and why we think massage is important.
Does the team at Fix see many runners at this time of year? What sort of things do people come in with?
We’re absolutely packed at the moment! We’ve just had lots of people running the London marathon, and of course Run Hackney this weekend. We are also involved in an amazing Triathlon series ( so we get a lot of multi-event athletes coming to see us. We’re busy all through the summer with people with all different types of goals and all different types of issues!

Capital Tri entrants
People’s injuries are quite varied, from ankle pain from over pronating, to hip and low back issues from over-striding. With lots more in between! Sometimes people come in just for a running assessment or advice on their training, some just to have a sports massage to help keep them in good shape. Prevention is often a better bet than cure, after all.
What’s been your hardest physical challenge?
I completed a Half Ironman a few years ago. As a Yogi and ex-dancer I’m naturally quite bendy so keeping your body together and integrated enough to complete the race was tough. I had to do a whole Winter season of strength training, coupled with swimming and indoor cycling to get strong and quick. This was followed by 5 months of progressive distances in all 3 disciplines. The hardest part was doing a whole shift of physio after a three hour morning training session! But the race day was amazing, the swim was a PB, cycle relatively easy and the run..? well, that’s better left in the past! I finished and enjoyed most of it but no doubt it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done...
Minimal or support shoe?
The foot’s ability to listen to the ground through the shoe they are wearing can really make a difference to running mechanics. Everyone has different feet and some do better with a bit more support and assistance but I am a firm believer in challenging the foot to support the body itself, even if it takes a while to wean off more supportive shoes.
Marathon or Sprint?
Whichever you enjoy! Running is all about feeling good, so try both!