The last 2 weeks have caused us to adapt to new lifestyles, ways of working and/or even having to cope with COVID-19 symptoms ourselves or our loved ones. We are also trying to keep abreast with and process constant new information.
More than ever, I’m finding value in all of the online and social media platforms that keep us informed and connected to work colleagues, friends and family. However, this can be overwhelming too and personally, I have begun feeling ‘online fatigue’. I’ve also been talking to colleagues, clients & friend; many of us are finding this ´adaptation´ process and juggling everything, including the emotional weight attached to it, overwhelming.
As a nutritional therapist and health coach, who has been self-isolating for already three weeks, I´d like to share my top recommendations to support our physical and mental health for the rest of the lockdown and beyond.
Top tips:
- Plan your day – Include time for fun and relaxation, daily. Don´t forget, planning things that make you laugh is helpful for immune support. If you’d like some help with planning your day, see below an example of a list you can use to help you have a great day, everyday.
- Sleep – I cannot stress enough how essential it is to get enough sleep to support your immune system (7-8 hours for most people). You can improve your sleep patterns by adopting a basic sleep hygiene routine i.e. eat your dinner at least 3 hours before going to bed, stay away from gadgets and TV for at least 2 hours before going to bed, keep your bedroom not to hot & not too cold and avoid any gadgets in your bedroom.
- Stress reduction/management – Stress is the number one enemy of the immune system and there are many tools you can use like diaphragmatic breathing, meditation, tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique – EFT), or simply watching a comedy film or reading an uplifting book; mainly try to laugh.
- Physical activity and movement – Needless to say the importance of it. They help in supporting both the immune and lymphatic systems. Fix is offering online movement classes on a daily basis. You can book here.
- Nutritious meals – Have as much veg and fruit as possible and aim for 3 portions of veg with every meal. Diversity is important so, if you can, have small portions of many different colourful vegetables and fruit, or as many as you can find, instead of just having only one type.
- Avoid sugar – or it might disrupt your gut flora, which is essential to support your immune system. Instead, you can treat yourself with a relaxing bath or a face massage. If you want more information about foods rich in vitamins and minerals that generally support the immune system, have a look at this link. Please note that this is a general list and some of the foods might not be indicated for you or others in your family or household. Be mindful of this, please.
If you´d like personalised recommendations to support your immune system, I am running 60- minute online consultations. You can book by emailing
Best wishes and keep safe,

Tagged: physicallyfixingyou, nutrition, health tips, food