Well, the time has finally come when lockdown is easing a little, and the fertility clinics have reapplied to open again. It seems like an eternity for those who have had their fertility treatment put on hold, or if trying to conceive naturally, it became so stressful that those plans were put on hold until life started going back to normal. I have certainly had time to scroll through social media to see what is on offer for those who are struggling to conceive. The main biggies for me are acupuncture (surprise, surprise) and nutrition. I was also delighted to see that there are a few yoga teachers starting to look at fertility yoga which is a welcome addition as it always seemed like a huge gap in the market, but I will get back to that later.
I won’t bore you too much about why I decided to become an acupuncturist focusing on fertility. I struggled to conceive after several years of trying until I went to see a fantastic acupuncturist and separately an equally fantastic fertility nutritionist. It was then that my life turned around. I was 41 years old so I decided to go through IVF after several months of complementary therapy. My acupuncturist was very supportive and said that he would support me in any way he could. Those words still ring in my ears today and I have based my practice on offering this same support. Being a fertility acupuncturist is so much more than putting needles in the right places. It is just as important to be available for that person who is struggling, listening to the highs and lows of the journey and just being there when they need it. It is also important never to make judgements. I always tell people they need to do what is right for them, and I offer support in whatever decision that is. Do I break boundaries? Of course, I do. However, I feel this is what makes my practice so successful. Each person has a story to tell and it needs to be told to a person who can empathise and who is also qualified to help to treat their specific condition.
I am strict about their lifestyle choices, what to stay away from, and often have to tell people what they don’t want to hear. However, I wouldn’t be doing my job properly if I told people it was ok to do whatever they liked. They are paying for my professional expertise and I like people getting their money’s worth.
The use of moxa is huge in my practice. I know there are a lot of practitioners who don’t like it – it’s smoky, it smells like you are smoking weed but it is so effective for a huge range of underlying conditions. My home clinic constantly smells like a drug den but the family just accepts it as part of my job. Moxa is the dried herb Mugwort which grows in China and can be used in various forms and various ways.
Now, I spoke about seeing a fertility nutritionist who really helped to change my life and I am delighted to be working with her now, where we recommend each other’s services and I am so pleased with how successful it has been. Melanie Brown has been a Fertility Nutritionist for twenty years and adds her insight into what makes her such a successful Fertility Complementary Therapist.
“Like Mel, I believe wholeheartedly in the benefits of complementary therapies for helping clients with their fertility issues. And I also use my skills alongside medical fertility treatment; complementary is the word! Good nutrition is a cornerstone of health, providing the fuel for building and mending all our cells, including our most precious oocytes and sperm cells which contain the genetic material of our future children.
Although I use the classic Mediterranean Diet as the basis of all my nutritional advice, there are certain special foods that research has shown to be especially beneficial to fertility. And there are special requirements again for women going through IVF where the ovaries are being stimulated into producing lots of follicles and eggs. There are extra foods and/or supplements that are useful if a woman is a little older, and different protocols again for endometriosis and PCOS, both conditions that can have a really detrimental effect on fertility. And of course, let’s not forget the man (he is often forgotten!); there is a plethora of research and information on how to improve sperm through diet, lifestyle and certain well-studied supplements. And for both overweight or obese men and women, just losing weight can have an enormous impact on fertility and IVF outcome. But people often just need help and guidance and support to undertake this, especially in a way that incorporates the best foods for improving fertility.
And I always recommend acupuncture for my clients; it is a wonderful extra tool to improve fertility. I always recommend it to my clients as I have seen the difference it makes; with cycle management, painful periods, womb lining, stress management, headaches, IBS – everything really! The two disciplines of nutrition and acupuncture are a perfect pair of complementary therapies to help clients improve their fertility.

As I mentioned earlier, I always thought there was a gap in the market for fertility yoga so I was delighted to see that over the last 18 months there is an increasing number of practitioners out there who are offering this. The Fertility Network UK has links to various practices. There are some postures on YouTube, but I would be careful with this. Just like acupuncture, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution and it is useful to see an instructor who understands your underlying conditions. Also, certain postures may not be as beneficial as certain times of the month.
It is now spring, the trees are in bloom and this is the time for growth and birth, according to the Five Element Theory of Chinese Medicine. Maybe we are coming out of lockdown at the right time and for those who have been struggling to conceive this is the perfect time to look towards the future.