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Fix is for Lovers

Time to spread the love at FIX with a week of discounted massage at our East Village clinic. Whether is a gift for your sweetie or a self-care treat, we’re taking 30% off 60 minute massages for E20 residents throughout Valentine’s Week. What’s not to fall in love with?
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The Osteopath’s Approach to Sports Injuries

Many patients often ask what the difference between an Osteopath and Physiotherapist is. Many are surprised to find that, when it comes to sports injury treatment, both professions in private practice offer a similar experience.
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Back Up and Running-steve Hobbs on Recovery From Ankle Injury

Way back in November 2017 (or as I prefer to think of it – a few weeks ago) I ran the Florence Marathon. It rained, constantly, was freezing cold and was hard, as marathons tend to be, and I ran slightly slower than I planned to, finishing in 2h38. But I was delighted. Why?
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Long Time Fix Regular Becky Horsbrugh’s Bangla Swim

It’s the New Year and many of us are taking on new challenges and feeling the need to push ourselves a bit. Perhaps by signing up for a run or maybe just having a dry January- and all credit to us!
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Yoga for Cyclists

I love cycling! Whether it is getting around London as my mode of transport, doing a day ride out of the city or a long tour across Europe, my bike will get me there. What an amazing sense of freedom you can have from two wheels and a little leg power. It is an incredible sport, at whichever level you choose to engage with it at.
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Where Pilates and Physiotherapy Intersect. A Q&a With Michelle Lee

Michelle is a fairly recent addition to the Fix family; she joined us in July and is a highly skilled physiotherapist and a Pilates instructor. Today we’re chatting to her about where her two specialities overlap, how she ended up in London and what Pilates instructors get up to in their spare time.
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Little and Often

Yoga is everywhere. Images of beautiful bodies doing headstands on beaches scroll pass on your Instagram feed, women in expensive leggings folding themselves into seemingly impossible shapes, tales of hours-long sessions culminating in enlightenment on the top of a mountain. You know the deal. It can be intimidating, especially if you’re not a hugely bendy person and don’t have hours to dedicate to your practice.
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What Do Osteopaths Do? A Q&a With Fix East Village’s Osteopath Laura Maidment

What do Osteopaths do? A Q&A with Fix East Village’s Osteopath Laura Maidment. What do you do as an Osteopath? Hopefully try and help people reach a goal, which they are being prevented from by a physical obstacle or pain. I treat various ailments from lower back and neck pain to headaches and overuse type injuries. I also see babies and pregnant women. My main aim is to get the body moving better and become more functional for what people want to use it for.
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The Ultimate Tummy Soother – Gingeroot, Mint and Red Date Tea

The Ultimate Tummy Soother – Gingeroot, Mint and Red Date Tea. This tummy soothing tea is guaranteed to leave you feeling refreshed, unbloated and balance out your PH levels. It’s great to consume it daily – morning and night – especially before or after a meal.
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4 Step Self-care Routine From a Pilates Professional

4 step self-care routine from a Pilates professional. International Self-Care day is all about learning to treat ourselves with love and compassion in order to improve and maintain our health. Therefore, we thought, who better to talk to about self-care than our fantastic and inspirational Pilates teacher, Eleah Waters?
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Haul Yourself Up From the Multitasking Rabbit-hole: Take Time Out to Breathe

Haul yourself up from the multitasking rabbit-hole: take time out to breathe. Have you ever felt yourself not being able to engage in a conversation without feeling distracted? At some point, each one of us has and we have our smartphones to blame. In the technological age we multitask with such unbridled adamance that it has become common to always be somewhere other than the present moment, enslaved by endless notifications and emails, restlessly awaiting the next ping and buzz from friends or colleagues; meaning all we have left for each act or person we encounter is partial and divided attention.
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East London’s Top Water-sport Activities to Try This Summer

East London’s top water-sport activities to try this summer. Improve your balance and strengthen your core by having a stab at Paddle Boarding along east London’s glorious waterways. Jason from Urban Recovery will guide you through the key techniques for gliding your way through some of London’s most historical regions.